My hometown's Erie station. Built in 1864.         
This is a pix of my hometown's new look (now a normal look) station,AFTER our elevation project in 1934-35 to put the tracks on a bridge-like (crossing over streets of downtown Elmira,Ny). If you come to Elmira, you will see the staion still standing. BUT blocked up, owned by Hillard (a local company). Unkown founder
Date: 6/12/2007 Location: Elmira, NY   Map Show Elmira on a rail map Views: 207 Collection Of:   MISSY G
Author:  Missy G
My hometown's Erie station. Built in 1864.
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  My Local connections to BIG RAILROAD companies
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Melissa G. General Sad :( 7/31/2008 8:58:14 PM

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