Close Up Of Intermodal Traffic, view is west  Contributor's Pick!       
Rolling Stock
Date: 12/13/2015 Location: Bound Brook, NJ   Map Show Bound Brook on a rail map Views: 105 Collection Of:   Steve Coraggio
Author:  Steve Coraggio
Close Up Of Intermodal Traffic, view is west
Picture Categories: Scenic,RollingStock,Bridge,Signal,Track,Action This picture is part of album:  Lehigh Line - December 13,2015
User Comments
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Mike Berka General Steve, cool shot of the train, and the signals too. Those Celadon trailers have what you would call sideskirts, green wing, or trailer blade on them. They are on there for better fuel economy, and also in case of an accident with an automobile, the sideskirts will hopefully prevent the car from going under the trailer. 8/8/2016 1:05:30 AM
Steve Coraggio General Mike, thanks. This is a main line between Newark, NJ, Jersey City, NJ and Penna. It is the former Lehigh Valley RR, tracks. A very good rail fanning spot and siganls here aer necessary as trrain run both east and westbound, and there is a connecting track to the left not seen in this picture, the Port Reading Secondary. Thank you f or the info on the side skirts, Picture taken with telephoto lens, 8/8/2016 9:29:58 AM

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